Learn German with Bismah

Feed your mind the Würste it needs!


Here you can learn all about:

  1. Verbs
  2. Pronouns
  3. Nouns
  4. Idioms

Image hotspots

Use these games to learn some vocabulary in German! First we will start of with some colors, animals and basic everyday objects! Simply click on any animal/object you wish to start with and watch a note pop up displaying the animals name in German as well as information about which gender the noun takes. It's important to memorise the gender of the nouns!!

Learn some German verbs

Learn these German verbs and translations:

Now it's time for you to test yourself

How many phrases can you remember?

You can use this table of verbs to help you

English Verbs German Verbs
to eat essen
to drink trinken
to speak sprechen
to walk gehen
to learn lernen
to cook kochen
to jump springen
to run laufen
to sleep schlafen
to be sein
to have haben

Learn some German Nouns of your choice:

Simply type in any German words that you wish to learn about, you can even type in any German traditions or festivals to widen your background knowledge!


Here you can learn all about:

  1. German translation
  2. German semantics
  3. Syntax

Here are some German idioms for you to learn! Click the idiom button to reveal more German idioms accompanied with the English meaning. This is helpful when trying to sound more native!

Now that you have covered the main verbs and vocabulary in order for you to progress, i have attached some material that will expand your knowledge and you can access them here.


Confused with some of the vocabulray so far? It's okay, use this customised Google translate to translate items you wish to German! This is a good oppurtunity to explore and independantly learn!

Enter your phrase and choose a language (German):


Summary: This page has taught you A1/A2 vocabulary and the exercises should have allowed you to become more confident with native phrases. This will support you when having conversations with native Germans or even for when you are visiting Germany.

Click here to move onto the pronunciation page.
